Discover everything about life at the Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Management: its organization, departments, student associations as well as its highlights!
A word from the Dean
Students are at the heart of our profession, they are our joy, our pride. By working together, openly, creatively and constructively, we'll make sure they shine, both at UNamur and beyond its walls.
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Faculty administration
The Faculty is steered by various consultative and decision-making bodies. It has services common to the whole Faculty and comprises 4 departments. The Faculty is administered by the Dean and Vice-Dean. To assist them in their many missions, common services, an academic and administrative secretariat, and consultation and decision-making bodies have been set up:
- the Faculty Council, which defines faculty policy
- the Faculty Bureau, which prepares the Faculty Council and assists the Dean in his duties
- the Department Councils, which deal with all matters of interest to the Department concerned, including course curricula, and renews the terms of office of scientists
- the Contact Commission, which interacts with students