Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question about your EAP?

The enrollment service pages can help you configure your EAP. Still have a question? You can contact the secretariat of your program.

I don't have my Eid and password

Please contact the registration department. If you have already obtained your accesses and your identifiers do not work, you can contact IT support at

Request for exemption

For all requests for exemption from courses (excluding languages), please contact your program manager. To request an exemption for a language course, please contact your program secretary. You will receive a form to complete.

Medical certificate & Exam postponement

In the event of illness during an examination period, you may refer to the Study Regulations:

Article 43. Inability to take part in an assessment
§1st. Any student registered for an assessment who is unable to take part must notify the examiner concerned and the vice-dean or his/her delegate no later than the day of the assessment, and comply with the provisions of article 44. Otherwise, a student's absence from an assessment will be sanctioned by a mark of 0/20.
§2. To prove that a student is unable to take part in an assessment, he or she may present a medical certificate covering the period in question.
§3. It is forbidden to take part in an assessment during the period covered by a medical certificate. The student who participates in an assessment despite a deficient state of health or serious personal problems, cannot under any circumstances have the result subsequently cancelled, even with a medical certificate or any other attestation.

Request an attestation

All your attestations are available online on the Virtual Office, in the "My attestations" tab

Contact département sciences du management


Do you have another question? Don't hesitate to contact us.