Are you a Master's student with an entrepreneurial project or a desire to start your own business? The Management Sciences department can support you through the process from both an academic and entrepreneurial point of view.

Student-entrepreneur status

Student-entrepreneur status offers its holder the possibility of benefiting from academic accommodations enabling them to better combine the demands of university studies with those linked to their entrepreneurial project.

The conditions for access to student-entrepreneur status are as follows:

  • Having validated a minimum of 165 credits from Bachelor of Management Science or Management Engineering courses
  • Having validated the content of the entrepreneurial project with the Comité d'octroi du statut d'étudiant-entrepreneur organized by the Department of Management

Program adjustments

When presenting their entrepreneurial project to the Comité d'octroi, the student-entrepreneur candidate can request various program adjustments. The most common arrangement is the possibility for the student entrepreneur to spend his or her Master's degree immersed in his or her business project. This arrangement enables the student-entrepreneur to carry out three three-month "internships" within his or her project, on the one hand, and to complete a thesis-project in the context of his or her entrepreneurial project, on the other. These two activities directly linked to his or her entrepreneurial project are valued at a total of 30 ECTS, or 25% of the Master's credits.

Entrepreneurial support

In addition to the academic support provided in the context of writing the thesis-project, the student-entrepreneur also benefits from entrepreneurial support provided by the corporate relations unit. This team's mission is to set up an Advisory Board made up of executives from the industry in which the student is developing his or her project. The purpose of this Advisory Board is to offer operational guidance to the student as he develops and launches his entrepreneurial project.

Support from Wallonie Entreprendre structures

Students with student-entrepreneur status at UNamur can request additional support from the incubators set up by Wallonie Entreprendre. These incubators provide financial and technical support to project leaders.

Economie études

Want to find out more?

If you are a student at the end of your bachelor's degree, and if you have an idea in mind, or a project in progress, and would like to assess its relevance with regard to the evaluation criteria of the Comité d'octroi du statut d'étudiant-entrepreneur, don't hesitate to get in touch with the head of the business relations unit in the management sciences department, Mr Jean-Luc Gustin.