Since the 2023-2024 academic year, the Faculty of Economic, Social and Management Sciences has been offering an innovative mobility program within the Bachelor of Economic and Management Sciences: a 3-year double degree (DD) with Ghent University.


This program offers the opportunity to obtain two Bachelor's degrees at two Universities, one in Flanders (UGent), and the other in Wallonia (UNamur):

  • Bachelor of Science in de economische wetenschappen (UGent) 180 ECTS
    • Main language of instruction: Dutch
    • But there are also teaching activities in English
    • Specialization discipline : Sciences Economiques
  • Bachelier en sciences économiques et de gestion (UNamur) 180 ECTS
    • Main language of instruction: French
    • Specialization discipline: Sciences Economiques et de Gestion

Concretely, students, enrolled at UNamur will follow their three years of Bachelier as follows:

  • Block 1 in Namur (normal program)
  • Block 2 in Namur (program with some specificities on SD)
  • Block 3 in Ghent

Applications and Conditions

The call for applications will go out at the end of Block 1, and each candidate must meet the following requirements:

  • Have passed the 60 credits of Block 1 with an average of 13/20


  • Have passed the Dutch course with level B2 at the end of Block 2
    • Hint: You should be able to take the advanced Dutch course in Block 1 and Block 2

A total of five places will be available at each University. So the five best applications will be selected.

Contact département sciences du management

Want to find out more?

Do not hesitate to contact the academic head of this program, Professor Romain Houssa, or the faculty head of international relations, Dr. Julie Masset.