The Faculty Economics Management Communication Politics (EMCP) has hosted many events over the course of its history. Here's a look back at some of our Faculty's most memorable moments.
60 years of the Faculty
In October 2022, the Faculty celebrated its 60th anniversary. To mark this anniversary, the Faculty organized two major events that gave everyone the opportunity to get together and share backgrounds, experiences, talents and memories!
On October 13, a conference-debate around the theme "New school rhythms: At university too?" in the presence of the Minister of Higher Education and party representatives. The debate was moderated by Béatrice Delvaux (Chief Editorialist, Le Soir). The full conference-debate is available on Youtube.
On October 15, an anniversary evening around the theme "La Faculté a des talents". Alumni, professors, researchers and students pitted their talents against the challenges of today and tomorrow: entrepreneurship, sustainable development, digital transition and innovative pedagogies were on the menu of a colorful academic session. The academic session was followed by a festive and convivial evening featuring cocktails, a meal and an after-dinner. All photos of the event are available on the phototheque.
Discover the souvenir video of the event here :

Baccalaureate graduation ceremony
On February 16, 2024, the graduation ceremony for the Bachelor of Information and Communication, Management Engineering, Economics and Management and Political Science programs took place. The ceremony was followed by a "verre de l'amitié", served by the Cercle des étudiants, bringing together graduates, their families and members of the Faculty's staff. The ceremony marked the crowning of several years of effort and sharing, both for students and their loved ones and for staff members.
Reforming Belgium" symposium
On October 10, 2023, a colloquium around the theme "Faut-il réformer la Belgique" was held at the Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Management. This featured various panels and also a political debate between representatives of the six parties of the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles and moderated by Arnaud Ruyssen (RTBF).
Spring open courses
7 days to discover the daily life of students
During the secondary school vacations, UNamur opens the doors of its auditoriums for you to live a few hours or a few days with students, attend classes (over 300 hours available), take part in practical work, meet professors and explore the city and campus.

In practice
Who are open courses for?
Open courses are open to all, although they are primarily aimed at secondary school students to help them take that first step in exploring higher education.
What is the schedule for open courses?
Courses are open from February 27 to Wednesday, March 5, 2025, from 08:30 to 16:30.
To find out the precise timetable and location of each course, please visit the Info études service (Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur), 15 minutes before the start of the course.
The provisional program is available 15 days before the start of open courses.
How to meet a guidance counselor
You have the opportunity to meet a guidance counselor at the guidance workshop scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2025, from 1:30 to 4:00 pm.
The aim of this workshop is to help you think about the guidance process, gain a better understanding of the higher education landscape and define the main markers in the process of clarifying your project (educational and professional).
Our advisor is also available by appointment for a one-to-one meeting throughout the week of open courses and outside of it.
Do you have to register to take part?
Access to open courses is without prior registration.
To participate in the orientation workshop, however, online registration is mandatory and will be available some ten days before the start of the open courses.
Who organizes the open courses?
Open courses are organized by Info études, the service that provides information on all matters relating to choice of studies, prerequisites, reorientation, gateways, course curricula, job opportunities, additional training, recognition of prior learning... or any general questions about university life in Namur.
Local elections 2024: workshop-conference
We are pleased to invite you to our workshop-conference to present the "Local Elections 2024" reports, where we will share summaries and key figures from the research carried out by an academic consortium UNamur-ULB-UCLouvain-UMons-ULiège supported by the Walloon Government and SPW Interior and Social Action.

An analysis of voter turnout in October 2024
This analysis presents a comparison of voter turnout in Wallonia, Brussels and Flanders. On the one hand, the report identifies the profiles and political attitudes of voters who abstained (representative survey of the Belgian population). On the other hand, the report presents the evolution of abstention and electoral participation according to institutional and political contexts in Wallonia. Particular attention is paid to the increase in blank and invalid votes in Wallonia.
Analysis of the effects of electoral reforms since 2018
This analysis presents the effects linked to the adoption of gender quotas in communal executives, as well as the effects of the end of the devolutive effect of the top box in Wallonia. These electoral reforms may have had limited effects in some communes (mainly due to a "learning" effect of the new electoral rules). Our report analyzes the effects observed in 2024 and the factors explaining the differences observed between Wallonia's communes.
Analysis of the restructuring of the electoral offer in 2024
While 2018 had seen a significant increase in the number of lists present at communal polls (notably so-called "citizen" and far-right lists), in October 2024, the number of lists in competition fell significantly. An analysis of official figures describes the evolution of the number and type of lists according to the institutional and political configurations of Wallonia's communes. It focuses in particular on the evolution of typically "local" lists, a Walloon characteristic within European democracies.

Practical information
Rue Bruno, 11 - 5000 Namur
L'Arsenal is a 10-minute walk from Namur train station and the Parliament of Wallonia. Adjacent parking is available free of charge (Rue de l'Arsenal 13, 5000 Namur)
Registration required (places are limited - registration deadline: March 3)
9:00-13:00: Conference workshop
- 9:00-9:30: welcome and coffee
- 9:30-9:35: presentation of the project by the inter-university consortium
9:35-11:40 : presentation of reports and Q&A
Analysis of the restructuring of the electoral offer in 2024
Analysis of electoral participation in 2024
Analysis of the effects of electoral reforms in 2024
- 11:40-11:50 : closing remarks
- 12:00-13:00: closing lunch
Contact person For information requests: and |

SPW Interior and Social Action
Spring Open House
Discover the University of Namur: a day of exploration, exchange and inspiration

Save the date!
The next UNamur Open House will take place on Saturday, March 29, 2025, from 1pm to 5pm.
Save this date in your diary already!!
On the program
- Inspiring encounters: chat with our professors, assistants and students.
- Immersive tours: explore our auditoriums, classrooms and laboratories.
- Valuable information: get answers to all your questions about our programs and the specifics of studying in Namur.
- Practical resources: discover all the services available to support you before, during and after your studies.
Stay tuned!The detailed afternoon program will be available some ten days before the event.
Can't join us?
No worries! A second open house is scheduled for Saturday, June 28, 2025, from 1pm to 5pm.