Biotechnologies, revolutionary materials, social media, mobile applications, new services... the company is developing in an environment that is more dynamic than ever.
To ensure its vision and strategic approach, the company is looking for employees capable of developing and managing projects, solving management problems in a technological environment, and integrating the challenges of competitiveness and increasing globalization.
Training as a management engineer combines science with management skills, enabling you to reach key roles in the corporate world.

What they have to say about training in management engineering
The advantages of training in management engineering at UNamur
- A team of involved and accessible teachers at the service of
- your deepening of knowledge and methods
- your critical reflection on the foundations and implications of your training
- your ability to bring projects to fruition
A structured program to - enable you to exploit the links between the training components
- support your progress over time
- Two possible orientations
- "environmental and life sciences and technologies"
- "information technologies and management", unique in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and with the possibility of obtaining a UNamur-KULeuven double degree
- An innovative pedagogy focused on projects based on actual cases ("Learning by doing")
- Interventions by top managers and experts in lectures and group work
- Two Erasmus opportunities, at bachelor and master level, to destinations in Flanders, Europe and outside Europe.
- A internship of at least one master's term in Belgium or abroad.
- A very wide choice of options, some unique in Belgium.
- Unique in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation: the opportunity to complete a master's degree in data science or corporate immersion.
- Many courses taught in English, starting with the bachelor's degree.