I chose to study management engineering because it covers a wide range of subjects and opens up many career possibilities. While researching the program, I discovered the existence of the "Information Management (IM)" stream, which UNamur is the only university to offer in management engineering. I was immediately interested!
The human-scale nature of UNamur and the close proximity between students also played a decisive role in my choice of university.
Within my studies, I find this proximity in the many group projects we carry out with the "learning by doing" approach. This pedagogy forges links between us and helps us to understand the subject matter.
UNamur also enables me to get involved in a stimulating community life. I'm part of several kots-à-projets, such as ImproNam (the university theatrical improvisation team), le Nom de la Rose (which introduces people to Belgian culture through convivial activities)... I'm also a presenter at RUN, Namur's university radio station. These enriching experiences enable me to meet a lot of people and develop outside my studies too.
Manon Lallemand
Student ambassador in management engineering