You have a bachelor's degree from a Haute École* in :
assistant de direction, assurances et gestion du risque, commerce et développement, comptabilité, conseiller en développement durable, coopération internationale, E-business, gestion hôtelière orientation management, gestion hôtelière orientation arts culinaires, immobilier, informatique de gestion, informatique orientation développement d'applications, management de la logistique, management du tourisme et des loisirs, marketing, relations publiques, sciences administratives et gestion publique, sales account manager, international business.
*in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation
You have access to the gateway to UNamur's Masters in Management Sciences!
The gateway to the master's degree in management science is a choice for the future, but also a prospect of change.
By broadening your skills, you open up to other subjects, other tools and other methods for understanding and working in the reality of business.
Your new skills will lead you, as managers, to make strategic decisions and provide innovative solutions to business problems.
In management, a cross-functional vision is essential. In constant contact with the company's core business, you will need to master the methods and tools of different management disciplines such as corporate finance, market finance, marketing, innovation, strategy, leadership, consulting, process management...
On the multilingual international scene, you will collaborate with teams from other countries and cultures to successfully complete projects in other languages.
A socially responsible managerial approach will make you humane leaders, respectful of social, environmental and economic concerns.
Why choose UNamur?
To support you in the Haute École - University transition, UNamur has set up:
- a accueil et coaching spécifique par un assistant dédié tout au long de la première année;
- des séances dédiées aux spécificités de l'enseignement universitaire;
- a seminar to familiarize and train you in scientific rigor;
- the possibility of anticipating certain Master's courses from the first year (including language courses: English, German, Spanish or Dutch).
The benefits of training
- close relationships with the business world: interventions by managers in courses, group work carried out in companies...;
- a network of high-quality partners who open up their teaching specialties to you in French-speaking Belgium (LSM, ICHEC and Solvay) and Flanders (Universities of Antwerp, Ghent, Hasselt and Leuven);
- an international openness which draws on a network of partner universities and companies on 5 continents and offers you: stays abroad (university or company), courses taught in English and group work carried out in collaboration with international students.
As a student, I needed reassurance. The master's degree enabled me to exploit all my abilities in a more reassuring way. I'd even go so far as to say that the Master's has boosted my self-confidence! Thanks to my Erasmus (which I will never forget), I also developed a certain open-mindedness, both personally and professionally. Much more than a second degree and access to new professional prospects, this master's degree was a real opportunity for personal development for me!
Daisy, graduate
Following my bachelor's degree in accounting at Haute École, I chose to deepen and broaden my knowledge by following the passerelle at UNamur. This was part of my desire to obtain university status, which offers a wider range of professional and salary opportunities, and part of my curiosity to discover the world of scientific research. There are many differences between the two types of teaching. I particularly appreciated the intellectual stimulation and the challenge of the Master's thesis. Unlike my bachelor's thesis, the dissertation gave me the feeling of having carried out a problem in its entirety, from reflection to recommendations
Valérie, graduate
In practice, a tailor-made itinerary

When you register for the Master of Management Sciences, you choose between the 60-credit master's program and the 120-credit master's program.
Based on your degree and previous coursework, additional teaching units (UES) are added to your master's program for a total of 45 to 60 credits maximum.

The master 60 credits (1 year) is geared towards the general and transdisciplinary aspects of business management. It allows you to select a single option and does not include internships or Erasmus stays.
The master 120 credits (2 years) is divided into two finalities and allows you to select 3 options in the fields of taxation and law, finance, services & marketing management and innovation and entrepreneurship. An Erasmus stay (with one of our international or Belgian partners) and the completion of an internship give your degree a unique character.
The Gateway program
Hourly volumes, number of credits, breakdown by quadrimester and description of all additional teaching units at the Master in Management Sciences - daytime schedule.