An opportunity as part of the master's degree in management engineering, if you choose the "digital & information management" option.

Why study at KU Leuven?

The KU Leuven is a prestigious university, often cited as one of Belgium's top universities in academic rankings. It is also an international community where innovative information systems research forms the basis of academic programs.

Diplomas obtained

  • Master of Science in Business and Information Systems Engineering - KU Leuven, België
  • Master en Ingénieur de gestion - Université de Namur, Belgique

Admission requirements

  • same conditions as for the Master in Management Engineering (UNamur);
  • selection on the basis of academic results, knowledge of Dutch (level B2 or at least 14/20 in bachelor's block 3) and a letter of motivation (one A4 page) ;
  • obtainment of all credits in the bachelor's program, no later than the third examination period (September) of the academic year in which the selection takes place;
  • the KU Leuven and the University of Namur do not require distinction, but your grade may play a role in selection if many students apply.

Application procedure

You can apply from the start of the first year of the master's program at UNamur by sending a letter to the director of the management engineering program (Prof. Anthony Simonofski). You will need to explain your motivation for joining the double degree program and prove that you meet the above admission requirements.

The deadline for applications is September 30. Nomination results will be announced in the following weeks. You must then enroll at KU Leuven before the end of the first term of the first year.

Master's thesis

You will write a single master's thesis for both institutions. During the first year at UNamur, you will follow the standard procedure for assigning master's thesis topics, i.e. you will choose three subjects that interest you.

In addition, you will submit a fourth topic in which it is clearly stated that you are following the double degree program, e.g. "Dissertation carried out as part of the double degree". Subsequently, a discussion with the professor Anthony Simonofski will ensure the match between the chosen topic and the expertise of the promoters at KU Leuven.

Program structure

In the first year, you'll follow the regular UNamur program ("Data Science" major) with just two modifications:

  • you'll take the "Telecommunications and Networks" course and a language course (English or Dutch);
  • you won't take the "Project in Data Analytics" course.

In the second year, you'll follow the KU Leuven program described in this table. You will not take an internship in your second year.

Course details can be found on the KU Leuven website.


Study info

Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur

Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Management

Rempart de la Vierge, 8 5000 Namur

Management engineering training secretariat

Rempart de la Vierge, 8 5000 Namur