What projects would you like to initiate on your arrival as Dean?
The ideas behind potential projects are jostling for attention, but beyond the impetus, there is above all the mutual enrichment through collaborative work with Faculty members. The ideas mainly concern 5 fields of action for which we will develop projects together, the 5E for a modern faculty that creates meaning for its various stakeholders (students, members of the various staff categories, alumni, etc.) :
- Experience or how we can enchant our relationship with the Faculty, learn from our mistakes in order to create positive experiences,
- Excellence or how we ensure that everyone can explore the field of possibilities, develop their skills to the full and help the Faculty grow effectively and efficiently
- Well-Being or how we make our professional/student sphere a place of personal fulfillment, with a real professional-private balance and healthy relationships, frank and transparent relationships
- Ecology or how we rethink the way we work, the way we interact with each other, in order to become part of a sustainable and responsible operating model, environmentally as well as socially and socially
- Commitment or how on the basis of the other 4 E's, we create loyalty, infatuation and even passion for our Faculty and our University, which we spread and share internally but also externally.
Fields of action for which projects can only be positive, constructive and ... ambitious.
How do you see teaching and research within your Faculty?
The 5Es are as much about research as they are about teaching. Research is now carried out in the University's Research Institutes. Of course, researchers are often physically attached to a faculty, which is why it's so important to work closely with the presidents of the institutes, which in my case are DeFFiP, IRDENa, NaDI, naxys and Transitions. I will therefore ensure that researchers have the best possible working environment, and create a stimulating environment for the development of quality research. As far as teaching is concerned, although we have already achieved a great deal, particularly in the area of success support and the development of our "Learning by doing" reform, we still have some major challenges ahead of us: monitoring students throughout their course, and even beyond, and in particular the problem of drop-outs and drop-outs, program approaches, hybridization, the judicious use of technologies and modern teaching approaches to engage students in their learning, the bridges between research and teaching - the pillars of a university education - to be strengthened and even developed from the very start of the curriculum... not forgetting the success rate, which is still and always problematic. I dream of an education where excellence is not achieved at the expense of the success of the greatest number...
How do you see the role of Dean?
The Faculty of Economic, Social and Management Sciences is built on the form of a federal model. The 4 departments - Economic Sciences, Management Sciences, Political, Social and Communication Sciences and Staggered Timetable in Economic and Management Sciences - form the backbone of the Faculty, and that's where its heart beats. I see my role, or rather my roles, as those assumed by modern, responsible managers, namely leader (in the motivational sense of the term), liaison officer, active observer and spokesperson externally, disseminator internally, but also intrapreneur, regulator and allocator of resources, all in the service of others. Quite a program ...
You wish to place your deanship under the sign of ...?
Passion, in what we do, ambition, in what we wish to achieve together, benevolence and respect for everyone, in what we share.
A word to your predecessor, Alain de Crombrugghe?
Thank you Alain, thank you a thousand times over for your availability, your attentiveness and for your involvement during not one but two terms of office! The projects you have tirelessly initiated or supported (such as "learning by doing", a major reform of our teaching, or the in-depth reorganization of our administrative services, or our future faculty building) are already bringing our faculty up to date, and will of course be at the heart of my own term of office. On behalf of our faculty community, I would like to thank you once again and wish you all the best in your new role.
A word to the students of your faculty?
Students are at the heart of our profession, they are our joy, our pride and sometimes our sadness. The 5Es concern them first and foremost. I'd like to tell them to get involved with us again and again in the development of their, our Faculty. By working together, frankly, creatively and constructively, we'll make it shine both at UNamur and outside our walls.
Bio express
Montreal-born Pietro Zidda, 51, married with two children, began his scientific career immediately after completing his studies in management engineering at UCLouvain-Mons (formerly FUCaM). Initially specializing in finance and business informatics, he switched to marketing, and more specifically to the mathematical modeling of consumer choice behavior, particularly in the field of customer relationship management (e.g. brand loyalty), but also in the adoption and evaluation of new technologies by consumers (e.g. mobile payment, collaborative platform, interactive recommendation system). He holds a PhD in Management Science from UCLouvain-Mons and the Intercollegiate Center for Management Science, and began his career at UNamur in 2000, after a spell in the USA. He has been researching and teaching there ever since, first as a lecturer, then as a professor and full professor. Pietro Zidda teaches the fundamentals of management in Block 1, as well as specialization courses in Masters, notably in quantitative research methods. On the service side, he has been a member of or chaired a wide variety of commissions, and has twice been Director of the Management Sciences Department, as well as Director of a research center at UNamur (CeRCLe-NaDI) and of an inter-university center (CCMS) for several terms. More recently, he chaired the Conseil du Corps académique.