Since 1987, the School of Evening Studies in Economics and Management of the Faculty has been offering undergraduate and graduate programs in economics and management on a shift schedule (HD). These programs, held in the evenings and on Saturdays, on an easily accessible campus, enable adults already in the workforce to return to study for a university degree that gives new perspectives to their professional careers.
Training modalities are called hybrid because they combine presentational and distanciel activities to make life easier for students. Staggered-schedule studies award the same diplomas as studies carried out in day courses. Only the ways in which skills are acquired differ, thanks to pedagogy adapted to the audience concerned. All our courses are delivered in French.
The originality of the trainingand the teaching methods designed to suit adults attract nearly 200 students each year to one of the Faculty's 6 staggered-schedule programs.
Versatile training
The bachelier en économie et gestion à horaire décalé(exclusive to the Wallonia-Brussels Federation), reduced to 120 credits spread over two academic years, trains students in the basics of economics and management, and also introduces them to law, social sciences and English.
The Masters 60, in economics or management, organized over 1 year, are generalist and open programs.
The masters 120, in economics or management, organized over 2 years, offer a wider range of courses and different options: Public Economics and Management, Financial System and Risk, Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
The Specialization Master in Sustainable Development Management and Economics is aimed at those who want to understand the challenges of sustainable development.
Additional teaching units (passerelles) are also organized on a staggered timetable.
A window on the world
- The development of critical thinking is encouraged
- "Academic" professors integrate advances in research into their teaching
- "External" professors give students the benefit of their experience in the corporate world or public services

Teaching for adults
Staggered-schedule programs have been designed to adapt to the needs of adults keen to develop solid expertise in the fields of economics and management alongside their family and professional lives.They rely on personalized support systems as well as a range of proven and innovative learning methods such as flipped classes or real-life simulations to offer an environment that is both stimulating and flexible.With this in mind, all our training courses will, from September 2022, combine face-to-face and distanciel activities to make life even easier for students and take account of current changes in the world of work. In practical terms, this means:
- Videos to follow at your own pace
- Online self-assessment quizzes
- Remote sessions live on microsoft Teams
- Face-to-face sessions with discussions and exchanges
- Active pedagogies,by projects and situations
- Individual and group
CoachingFinally, there is a staff specially dedicated to the staggered timetable, including an educational consultant, four assistants, two secretaries and a director.
Modular programs
You're hesitating to embark on long studies with a staggered timetable? Subject to accommodations and conditions defined by the jury, you can transfer from the Master 60 HD in Management (or Economics) to the second year of the Master 120 HD in Management (or Economics).
If you hesitate between economics and management? Subject to special arrangements and conditions defined by the jury, you can transfer from the Master 60 HD in management to the second year of the Master 120 HD in economics and combine the two degrees.