A collection of tools to make it easier for teachers to set up cultural and artistic education activities in nursery, primary and secondary schools, to build confidence and the desire to dare.

A p.ART.cour(t)? ART... Step by step...

Les p.ART.cour(t)s

A p.ART.cour(t) is a series of introductory sessions built around a common thread. Each session lasts from fifteen minutes to two hours. Some p.ART.cour(t)s focus on a particular technique or theme... Others are built around a standard session to be reproduced on a regular basis. Some cover one or more artistic disciplines, while others are truly interdisciplinary.

A p.ART.cour(t) is first and foremost a starting point, an aid, a proposal, a trigger for the teacher. It is a source of inspiration or imitation, of appropriation to freely create and/or experiment with activities in cultural and artistic education. The p.ART.cour(t) can take the form of a PDF or a digital book. Sometimes, an illustrative video or sound tracks accompany the teaching pack.

The aim of p.ART.cour(t)s is to enable every student to experience art. To live, to feel, to experiment, without the pressure or obligation to produce a predefined result or one that corresponds to a standard. Consequently, the emphasis throughout p.ART.cour(t) is on the discovery, the student's encounter with art.

The p.ART.cour(t)s in pictures

Enfants qui participent à une activité d'éveil artistique

Teacher feedback

  • Thank you for the experience, on my own I wouldn't have dared.... And the students really enjoyed the experience, I think. (1st differentiated)
  • Interesting interdisciplinary project. Sequences linked together so real class project. (P5-P6)
  • My students loved it when I told them we were going to make, discover ART. We became artists. They sometimes asked me when we were going to make art again! (P1-P2)

Children's feedback

  • I enjoyed it because the point of it wasn't to be the best, but it was more about having fun.
  • I learned to have confidence in myself, to be less shy.

How to access it?

All the p.ART.cour(t)s, and many other identified existing resources, can be found on www.e-classe.be.

If you're an FWB teacher (and have a cerberus account), you can access them easily: just go to the platform and type the word P.ART.cour(t) (with its funny spelling) into the search bar, you'll then arrive in a folder that brings them all together.

If you're not a teacher, don't panic! You can access them via the brochure. How do I do this? In the brochure, each p.ART.cour(t) is briefly presented. You can access the free online tool by clicking on the title of the p.ART.cour(t) via a direct link. Access to a video is also found behind the icon.

A few examples

RAS... Répertoire d'artistes surprenantes (to be discovered end of August 2025)

A (re)discovery of 50 Belgian women artists through their biographies, a focus on a representative work, names of related artists to discover and educational leads.

Visuel RAS

Remue-ménage colors (M2-P2)

Four workshops to explore color in movement, painting and music.

Visuel Remue-Ménage en couleurs

For my ears (P5-S2)

A month of musical listening, presented in the form of a digital booklet with information and listening links. Each day of the week has its own theme.

Visuel pour mes oreilles

In the footsteps of silent cinema (P3-S3)

Students create burlesque films, from script to editing to acting, after an introduction to early cinema and viewing film clips.

Visuel Sur les traces du cinéma muet

The game of artistic families (P4-S3)

Inspired by the game of seven families, this device, whose illustrations are images of works of art, invites the student to select a batch of cards and explain the reasons for this subjective choice.

Visuel Le jeu des familles artistiques

The technolab, a creative place within the school (P3-S3)

Thirty or so artists and their techniques are to be discovered (e.g. pyrography for wood, textile printing, ...) as well as how fablabs work and the various tools these places offer to transfer their practices to the classroom as part of ECA and FMTTN. A creative and accessible lead is given for each artist presented.

Visuel Technolab

Other examples elsewhere

Ma petite fabrique de matériel (M-S2)

Make basic art materials (charcoal, walnut stain, glue, paint...) on a small budget and suggest ways to use them. From ingredients to final production!

Content available on E-class and idea network

Let's animate everything (P3-S3)

Collaborative production of short animated films using the Stop Motion technique. A fun tool for developing creativity and awakening a critical eye for the media.

Content available on E-class and PECA

Take the line for a spin (M3-P3)

Workshops mixing dance and visual arts around the notion of line. Themes include geometry, doodling, writing, Chinese calligraphy, pattern and following the line.

Content available on E-class and PECA

Our five skins (M1-M3)

Ten activities to be experienced in the classroom or outdoors around the 5 layers of a child's identity according to Hundertwasser: body, clothes, home, family and friends, and planet. Discovery of the world, openness to others and diversity, cultural references.

Content available on E-class and Réseau idée

Gestural listening (M1-)

P.ART.cour(t) listening program comprising around ten short musical extracts, and played mainly by a solo instrument (which also enables instrument discovery). The excerpts on offer last between 40 seconds and 2 minutes, and have been designed to serve gestural listening.

Content available on Genially and the IMEP