An Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen project on indoor air quality (IAQ).

The residential home is currently the leading emitter of VOCs in France and Belgium. Indoor air quality (IAQ) is often worse than outdoor air quality. Detecting and eliminating this indoor pollution therefore represents a public health issue for the cross-border population.
The CleanAirBouw project, thanks to the partners' shared cross-border skills, aims to develop new, effective indoor air treatment systems for buildings, develop air quality monitoring devices and provide scientific support to help set standards in France and Belgium. Innovative treatment prototypes for pollutants from biomass combustion (wood) will also be developed.
As part of the project, this IAQ issue will be the focus of awareness-raising campaigns aimed at the general public, students and local authorities, via schools in particular. As for building professionals, training courses will be offered to guide them in the choice of more sustainable techniques.