Collaborations can range from one-off projects to long-term research programs.

With industry

The fields covered range from the agri-food industry, the pharmaceutical industry, to the chemical industry, the oil industry, metallurgy, etc.

For education

In the field of education, the Department organizes several pedagogical days each year for secondary school teachers.

It also makes its didactic laboratories available to all teachers in colleges and athénées.


Regularly, members of the Department take part as experts in various national or European commissions.

Research conducted within the Department has tangible repercussions on society:

  • It contributes to innovation in healthcare and energy.
  • They offer solutions for pollution control, energy storage and healthcare.
  • They train researchers for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
  • They provide solutions for corrosion and medical materials.
  • They improve teaching practices in chemistry, training tomorrow's scientists.
  • Basic chemistry: exploitation and/or production of raw materials;
  • Parachemistry: consumer products, e.g. cosmetics, household products;
  • Pharmaceutical industry: medicines for human and animal use;
  • Process chemistry: rubber, plastics.
  • Some work abroad.

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