From scientific dissemination and popularization to geological expertise, the services offered by the Department of Geology to its public and private partners are manifold.

The members of the department are actively involved in raising public awareness of the impact of geology on their daily lives through meetings, conferences and media coverage (TV-radio broadcasts and web capsules).

Many current themes of general interest are closely linked to geology:

  • natural hazard management (floods, collapses and landslides, earthquakes, etc) and land-use planning
  • groundwater and soil management
  • management of critical mineral resources (metals, rare earths, etc) and needed for technological development and the energy transition
  • climate change and impacts on living organisms
  • planetology, space exploration and meteorites
  • valorization of geological heritage and geotourism

In parallel, we are developing rock characterization expertise for numerous partners, through internationally recognized skills and the tools listed below:

  • granulometric analysis of unconsolidated sediments
  • calcimetry of rocks
  • mineralogical composition (clays and metals)
  • thin-slice fabrication
  • petrographic study of rocks (optical, electron, Raman microscopy, etc.)
  • geophysical prospecting (seismic refraction and electrical tomography)
  • lithological and structural survey

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