The members of the Department of Sciences, Philosophies and Societies are highly committed to their social usefulness. In addition to classic scientific activities (symposia, seminars, working groups, etc.), they regularly take part in meetings for the general public to share their experiences and ideas, and thus render services to society.

Members of the Department of Science, Philosophy and Society are thus integrated into various socially useful groups: Bioethics Advisory Committee, Hospital Ethics Committees, Institutional Ethics Commissions, Editorial Committees, Scientific Mediation Orientation Committees, FNRS commissions.

More specifically, the Bioethics Center carries out numerous consultancy or facilitation activities with healthcare institutions, institutions for the mentally handicapped, medical homes, mental health centers, etc. Depending on their respective areas of expertise, the members of the Bioethics Center are resource persons for an ever-expanding network of practitioners, due to the links created via the annual Certificate in Healthcare Ethics (CUESS).

Moreover, many services are rendered in the field of international university cooperation, whether at UNamur - management of the Namur university NGO (FUCID), member of the consortium of French-speaking Belgian university NGOs (Uni4Coop) - or at ARES-CCD - Institutional Support programs, thematic expertise in evaluation commission, Country referent.

Finally, members of the Department are also active in the field of education in and promotion of scientific culture to various audiences, especially schoolchildren.

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