The ALumni Management Economics and Social Sciences Namur (ALMEN) develops and animates the alumni network of the Faculty of Economics, Management, Communication and sciencesPo at the University of Namur.

ALMEN is the alumni association of UNamur's Faculty of Economic, Social and Management Sciences. This association aims to maintain a link between graduates and their original Faculty. To achieve this goal, various initiatives are implemented by the ALMEN committee (for 2023-2024):

  • President: Sarah Pinon (Class of 2021)
  • Vice-president: Benjamin Vermaut (Class of 2022)
  • Jordan Abras (Class of 2023)
  • Lhorie Pirnay (Class of 2018)

It is also supported by the Advisory Board and a network of ambassadors. More specifically, the board is made up of more members, from a wide variety of promotions, and aims to advise the committee on its decisions. Promotion ambassadors are representatives of their promotion, key people who are responsible for communicating events and other association news within their close community.


  • Alumni Gala: The aim is to bring together during one evening all alumni and academics of the Faculty (in the same vein as the Eco Gala).
  • Graduation evenings: The aim is to introduce ALMEN to new graduates and invite them to follow our networks, provide us with their contact information,...
  • Career Path: The aim is to introduce current students to the various career path/future possibilities through alumni testimonials.
  • Job Day: The aim of our Alternative Career Day is to propose a different offer for students from the faculties of economics and management, IT and law. We want to offer more visibility to organizations often overlooked by traditional Job Fairs (Start-ups, SMEs, Public Sector,...).



Alumni Association of the Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Management