The CeDES (Centre de Didactique Economique et Sociale): the economic and social field at the service of secondary and higher education teachers

Via its digital platform, CeDES disseminates multiple teaching resources for teachers of economics, management and social sciences. CeDES also offers continuing education courses and original teaching tools.

Directly accessible online, the CeDES database includes:

  • press articles selected daily, classified and available in pdf and html format
  • thematic dossiers covering economic, political and social news
  • files linked to course repositories such as Formation Sociale et Economique (FSE/EES), Philosophie et Citoyenneté (EPC/CPC), training profiles, etc.
  • learning sequences for transitional and qualifying education
  • links to videos, reference websites, brochures, statistics and free resources

The CeDES also organizes diversified continuing education courses commissioned by training operators (IFEC, IFPC, WE). It also develops original teaching tools such as the BMC² (Cooperative Business Model Canvas), teaching capsules for economics teachers and students (series "Time & Money"), a conference-show "L'instant critique", photolanguage cards, a dossier on transition, etc.

The CeDES is part of the Salle des Pros which brings together UNamur's 4 continuing education centers . The Salle des Pros is first and foremost a place to listen to the questions teachers ask themselves in the course of their teaching practice. At the intersection of practice and research, it addresses issues emerging from the field through reflection, exchange and joint construction.



Center for Economic and Social Didactics