All you need to know about how the Department of Social, Political and Communication Sciences works: bodies, program managers, ...


The "Bureau" is the decision-making body of the Department. It is chaired by the Department Director, who is an academic member elected for a 3-year term. The Director sets the agenda and ensures the follow-up of decisions taken within it, as well as representing the Department in the various bodies of the Faculty and the Institution.

All half-time academic members of the Department are ex officio members of the Board. The other bodies (scientific, administrative and student) are represented by members elected for a one-year term. At the initiative of a Council member, depending on the issues to be addressed, people from outside the Department may be invited.

The "Council" is a forum for information and deliberation on issues to be dealt with by the Department. It is made up of all members of the Department: academics, visiting professors, scientists and administrative staff.

Program managers

Bachelor's degree programs are managed by Program Managers (one for the Bachelor's degree in Information and Communication, the other for the Bachelor's degree in Political Science). Among other things, they handle the validation of annual student programs (PAE) as well as admissions.

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