In addition to the Learning by doing pedagogy, the Faculty of Economic, Social and Management Sciences offers various pedagogical devices with the aim of modernizing teaching through concrete approaches.

Service learning

Service-Learning is a pedagogical approach that aims to incorporate social commitment into traditional academic teaching. The aim for students is to participate in a project or get involved in an organization whose missions relate to societal themes, such as social justice, migration or the environment.

The Faculty organizes two teaching units centered on this approach: Civic Engagement and Anthropology. They are an opportunity for students to discover a place of commitment, to get involved and to take a reflective look at this immersion experience and at the teaching deployed at the Faculty.

Crossed perspectives

The aim of the Regards croisés project is to cultivate the critical spirit of the Faculty's students with regard to a central question in their curriculum by proposing a cross-disciplinary look at the different disciplines taught. The question linked to the year's theme is addressed in different courses, and teachers invite each other to cross-fertilize their contributions. Experts from the world of associations, politics and business are invited to debate the issue on the basis of the students' contributions during a closing half-day.


Hybridization in staggered hours

Since September 2022, Staggered-schedule programs are delivered in a hybrid way. They combine presential and distanciel activities to adapt to students' lifestyles and take account of current changes in the world of work.

Practically, this means:

  • Videos to follow at your own pace
  • Online self-assessment quizzes
  • Live remote sessions on microsoft Teams
  • Face-to-face sessions with discussions and exchanges
  • Active, project-based and role-playing pedagogies
  • Individual and group coaching
Eco études

Accompanying success

The Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Management offers support for success throughout the year. Find out about all the support available within the faculty or more widely within the University of Namur.