UCO's research focuses on the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The first is organic synthesis, applied to natural and non-natural molecules with biological and pharmacological activity, and to the development of new reactions. The second focuses on bio-organic chemistry and the mechanistic study of enzymes. A third focuses on the study of the chemical reactivity of new acidic and basic species and their use in catalysis.

UCO's 3 laboratories

  • Chimie Bio-Organique (CBO) - Stéphane VINCENT
  • Chimie Organique de Synthèse (COS) - Steve LANNERS
  • Réactivité, Catalyse et Chimie Organométallique (RCO) - Guillaume BERIONNI

Specific features of research at UCO

UCO stands out for its expertise in the preparation, purification, characterization and study of high value-added organic molecules. Its field of activity places it at the interfaces with physical chemistry, physics, biology and pharmacy. It manages a fleet of state-of-the-art instruments, notably in liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, chromatography and other analytical techniques.

Social impact

The UCO's activities enable it to contribute to the training of researchers who can join public bodies and the chemical industry sector in the broadest sense. The knowledge generated by the various research projects finds application both in the academic world and in industrial chemistry, particularly in pharmaceutical and fine chemical applications.