The Department of Physics is divided into 4 promising and original research themes.

Themes and project leaders

The Physics of Living Things

From the study of processes involved in proton therapy to the use of optical methods to study biological interfaces, via the development of antimicrobial layers for example, this theme is part of a broadly interdisciplinary research, where the contribution of physics is increasingly central.

Project leaders:

Materials: synthesis, simulations and analysis

The scope of materials physics at UNamur is particularly broad, especially in the field of energy ranging from batteries to LEDs to photovoltaics; the development of these systems is the fruit of theoretical research, simulations, tests and characterizations.

Project leaders:

At UNamur, a more unexpected interdisciplinary collaboration has emerged, around the theme of Heritage Sciences, in which physical methods (optics, ion beams), allied to artificial intelligence, are put to work in the service of historical dating (medieval manuscripts, ancient coins).

Project leaders:

Optics and photonics

From the use of optics to study the Earth's atmosphere (molecular spectroscopy) to the development of "smart glasses" capable of modifying their transmission according to external conditions, to the development of nanostructures designed to control the behavior of light, this theme is as diverse as it is exciting, and deserves to be highlighted.

Project leaders:

Physics didactics

Both in the fields of neuroeducation (neuroscience and physics didactics, inhibitory control and learning in physics) and conceptualization (cognitive psychology, construction of scientific concepts), Gabriel Dias de Carvalho Jr's team is fully invested in didactic research and its implementation, for the direct benefit of students.

The project leader:

Gabriel Dias de Carvalho Jr