À propos


Professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Namur (UNamur) since 2000, Director of the IT department (2002-2006), Dean of the Faculty of Sciences (2008-2011 and 2019-2023) and Vice-Rector for Human resources (2011-2015). President of the Belgian National Committee of Pure and Applied Physics and honorary member of the Belgian National Committee of Crystallography. 

Adjunct professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago from 1997 until 2022. 

Research focus on (i) surface analysis by electron spectroscopies and scanning tunnelling microscopy, (ii) heteroepitaxy of compound semiconductors on silicon, and (iii) the effect of materials properties on functioning of electronic devices. 

Member of the Belgian Federal Council on Science Policy from 2014 until 2023 and member of Commission E2 (Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry) of FWO from 2001 until 2009.


Instituts de recherche

Centre de recherche


Responsabilités externes

Adjunct Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago (10/1997 - 03/2022)


Docteur (avec thèse)


Chercheur qualifié honoraire du F.N.R.S.




Cette personne a également un profil sur le portail de la recherche de l’UNamur.

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