Research in the Department of Mathematics is oriented, on the one hand, towards the didactics of mathematics, on the other hand, towards applied mathematics and, more specifically, complex systems.

Research is presented in two main research orientations:

  • Unité de didactique des Mathématiques - didactics and analysis of mathematics teaching in secondary schools and universities. Members of this unit are also part of the Institut Namurois de Recherche en Didactique et Education (IRDeNa)
  • Research unit in applied mathematics and complexity: study of applied mathematics, and more specifically complex systems, with several research themes: Celestial Mechanics, Cosmology, Social and Economic Sciences, Biomedicine, Complexity and Networks, Dynamic Systems, Control and Optimization, Statistics and Algorithmic Complexity. Members of this unit are also part of the Institut Namurois des Systèmes Complexes (naXys)

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