The Biology Department strives to understand the living world in all its diversity, in the course of its evolution, from molecules to ecosystems, and to respond to complex societal problems such as biodiversity loss, infectious diseases, antibiotic resistance, etc. Biologists use an approach that integrates the laboratory, the field and computer tools.

To start studying biology, you need to be passionate about living organisms and enjoy asking questions to understand how they function, behave and evolve in relation to the environment.

Biology uses a wide range of scientific and technological knowledge and approaches that enable it to address the living world in all its diversity (viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants, parasites, animals, humans), throughout its evolution and at all levels of organization (molecules, cells, tissues, individuals, super-organisms, populations, ecosystems).

From knowledge of fundamental processes to multiple applications, the 21st century biologist is a complete scientist, wielding the scientific approach, as much in the laboratory as when out in the field (in natural areas) or when using computer analysis methods (and processing high-throughput data).

Biology is a modern science on the move. It responds to complex societal problems such as biodiversity loss, antibiotic resistance, adaptation to climate change, the fight against chronic or infectious diseases, food safety... In short, biology is present everywhere in society.

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CANDLE 2023 Département de biologie

The Biology Department goes green

As part of the appel-à-projet CANDLE 2023 whose vocation is to invite the University Community to propose actions whose objective is to make the campus and university activity more sustainable in the short, medium and long term, the Biology Department has submitted a project to implement a waste reduction policy.