Since 2013, the Campus Namur Durable (CaNDLE) calls have been aimed at inviting the University Community to propose actions whose objective is to make the campus and university activity more sustainable in the short, medium and long term.

The first and second CaNDLE calls contributed, in 2013 and 2015, to the realization of eight projects likely to improve the sustainability of the campus or university activity. The 2021 call saw the launch of five new eco-responsible initiatives proposed by UNamur members and funded by the Jerome Fund for Sustainable Development. In 2023, UNamur opens a fourth CaNDLE call funded through the joint support of the Jerome Fund for Sustainable Development and the Assembly of Circles of UNamur students.

CANDLE calls for projects

The year of the first call for projects
Projects funded since 2013
Call for projects
Projects selected in 2023



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