In 2023, UNamur had already made a remarkable entry into this ranking, distinguishing itself particularly in the "Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions" ODD, where it featured in the top 200. This year, UNamur has broadened its spectrum of excellence by performing particularly well in several other ODDs, notably ODD1 (No Poverty): UNamur is distinguished in the Top 200, recognizing its ongoing efforts to combat student insecurity and promote social justice through its research and concrete actions. UNamur is recognized for its research carried out in collaboration with developing countries. UNamur is also recognized for its wide range of student services, in particular those aimed at low-income students. These include activities offered by the Community Life Service, the Solidarithèque, kots-à-projets and FUCID (UNamur's NGO).

Other SDGs in which UNamur performs well in this THE Impact include: SDG3 (Health and well-being), SDG4 (Quality education), SDG9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure), SDG11 (Sustainable cities and communities), SDG16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) and SDG17 (Partnerships for the goals).

UNamur is ranked in the top 800 for all these Sustainable Development Goals, testifying to its holistic approach and unwavering commitment to a sustainable future. These results are the fruit of hard work, effort, projects and collective action by all members of the university. They encourage UNamur to continue its efforts and strengthen its global impact.