The "Learning by doing" pedagogy at the heart of the Faculty's programs puts university teaching right in step with the evolution of society.


They tell you about "Learning by doing

Discover this new pedagogical approach through our students' testimonials!

Etudiants de l'UNamur

At the heart of the system: the project

Thanks to project-based learning, you cross knowledge from several disciplines and mobilize them around concrete cases.

Beyond disciplinary knowledge, you develop essential professional skills:

  • understanding problems in their entirety;
  • communicating effectively in French and foreign languages;
  • learning to collaborate in a team, organize your work and be proactive;
  • thinking sustainably and systemically.

Topical issues

These projects play an increasingly important part in the course of your bachelor's degree.
They address themes in the various fields:

In economics

An activity around the issues of globalization of trade and production; the discovery and analysis of strategic interactions between agents or companies.

In management and management engineering

The realization of a business plan for a new or existing structure focused on its strategic and societal financial and marketing aspects; the realization of an innovation project based on a challenge linked to a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in order to propose an innovative solution to solve it.

In political science

Analytical work using the observation/immersion method on political sociology themes such as activist commitment; negotiations in the form of a "trialogue" (Council, European Parliament, Commission) to experience institutional complexity and train argumentation skills.

Information communication

A first professional experience and its trilingual presentation in front of a jury of experts; the production of a documentary or journalistic production (report, interview...) on a professional issue; a project to study political communication on social networks.

Laboratoire d'innovation projet bac 3