The student's annual program (PAE) is a coherent set of teaching units (UE) for which the student registers for the year, validated by the jury. When registering for the first time, your PAE is made up of 60 bachelor credits (block 1).

EAP after the first year of bachelor's studies

It all depends on the number of credits acquired during the first year of study.

0 credits acquired

A reorientation is compulsory (see the fundability rules).

Between 1 and 29 credits acquired

  • Your EAP consists of UEs not acquired.
  • Your enrolment is compulsorily supplemented by activities to help you succeed.

Between 30 and 44 credits acquired

  • Your EAP consists of a maximum of 60 credits, including UEs not acquired AND credits from the rest of the course (with the jury's agreement).
  • You have the option of adding activities to help you succeed.

Between 45 and 54 credits acquired

  • Your EAP consists of a maximum of 60 credits, including UEs not acquired AND credits from the rest of the course (with jury approval).

Quand constituer votre PAE ?

  • Le PAE doit être constitué par l’étudiant et validé par le jury de la formation pour le 31 octobre au plus tard. Il est cependant vivement conseillé de réaliser son PAE le plus rapidement possible afin d’anticiper d’éventuels allers-retours avec le jury.
  • Dès que vous aurez : 
    • Votre eID ;
    • Un message de votre faculté vous signalant que le Configurateur (l’application informatique qui vous permet de réaliser votre PAE) est ouvert. Cette ouverture est décidée par chaque faculté. Les dates peuvent donc varier d’une faculté à l’autre et d’une formation à l’autre

Comment votre PAE est-il validé ?

Validation personnelle sur le configurateur

Lorsque votre PAE est établi, vous pouvez le ‘valider’ sur le Configurateur. Il est alors transmis pour approbation au jury.

Message du Jury sur votre adresse

Trois types :

  • Validation simple (confirmation)
    Le jury a validé votre PAE et vous envoie un récapitulatif des UE que vous devrez suivre et pour lesquelles vous présenterez les évaluations. En cas de problème, vous avez 10 jours pour réagir à ce message pour autant que cela reste antérieur au 31/10. En l’absence de réaction, vous serez réputé avoir accepté de suivre ces UE et de présenter les évaluations.
  • Validation avec amendement
    Le jury valide votre PAE tout en posant une ou plusieurs contraintes au regard des remarques et/ou de votre parcours. En cas de problème, vous devez réagir à ce message avant le 31/10. En l’absence de réaction, vous serez réputé avoir accepté de suivre ces UE et de présenter les évaluations.
  • Refus
    Le Jury n’approuve pas votre PAE et vous propose des recommandations. Vous devez alors constituer un nouveau PAE sur la base des recommandations du jury.

Qui contacter en cas de difficulté ou de questions sur votre PAE ?

En cas d’erreur ou de questions quant à votre PAE, vous pouvez prendre contact avec le secrétariat de votre faculté :


I'm in Block 1, do I have to take part in all the assessments in the January session?

No. Your participation in the January assessments is no longer a condition for registering for the other assessment periods of the academic year.

I pass block 1 of my bachelor's degree, what does my EAP consist of?

You will only be considered in pursuit of the bachelor's degree cycle if you have acquired the 60 credits of block 1.
In poursuite de cycle:
- Your EAP consists of a minimum of 60 credits;
- Your EAP consists of UEs not acquired in previous registrations AND UEs from the rest of the program;
- You have the option of changing UEs not acquired if they are optional.

Can my EAP be less than 60 credits?

Yes, as long as you meet one of the conditions below:
- Less than 30 Block 1 credits acquired;
- Allocation;
- End of cycle;
- Jury's reasoned decision in the following cases:
o Coorganization of Higher Education Establishments outside the French Community of Belgium,
o Mobility,
o Non-acquired prerequisites,
o Pedagogical and/or organizational reasons (in this case, PAE of minimum 55 credits),
o At the student's request to balance remaining credits in further study.

I'm at the end of my bachelor's cycle, can I anticipate Master's UEs?

Yes, you can anticipate Master's UEs, provided you only have a maximum of 15 credits left from your bachelor's degree to acquire.

I'm anticipating master's UEs, what does my EAP consist of?

Your EAP will consist of:
- Your remaining bachelor's credits (maximum 15 credits),
- Master's UE credits, provided the master's admissions jury validates your UE choices.
In all cases, your EAP (bachelor and master) cannot exceed 60 credits.
Please note! You will not be able to anticipate the UE relating to the master's thesis until you have graduated from your bachelier (unless you are registered for a 60-credit master's degree).

What are the conditions for benefiting from a reduction?

At the time of registration: in the event of exceptional professional, social, medical or academic circumstances;
Until February 15: in block 1 for 'aide à la réussite' alleviation or following a reorientation;
Until March 1 at the latest: due to a serious medical or social reason or when the student benefits from 'special needs student' (EBS) status.

What are prerequisites?

Pre-requisites are a way of conditioning access to one or more other teaching unit(s). They work as follows: you must first pass such and such teaching unit(s) before you can access such and such other teaching unit(s) in a subsequent academic year. They are defined between teaching units of different annual blocks and therefore influence the order in which you can take the teaching units in the program.
Example: You are taking the Bachelor of Medicine course and would like to add the "Topographical Anatomy" teaching unit (block 3) to your EAP. To be able to add it to your EAP, you must have successfully completed "General Anatomy II" and "General Anatomy III" (block 2). These are prerequisites.
Prerequisites are important because they enable your program to be pedagogically coherent and progressive. In fact, it makes no pedagogical sense to give access to a teaching unit when the essential notions taught in another teaching unit preceding it have not been acquired. The jury ensures that these prerequisites are met when it validates your program at the beginning of the year.

What are corequisites?

Corequisites are another way of conditioning access to one or more other teaching unit(s). They work as follows: access to such-and-such teaching unit(s) before being able to access such-and-such other teaching unit(s) during the same academic year.
Can the jury transform a prerequisite into a corequisite?
In principle, no. However, they may do so in one particular case: when you are at the end of the cycle only.
How do I know if I'm at the end of the cycle?
You are at the end of the cycle when your EAP includes the last credits to be acquired to obtain your academic degree.