Some fields of study, known as "quota studies", allow only a limited number of non-resident students to be admitted. The bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine is affected by this measure.

Résultats du tirage au sort 2024-2025

Certaines filières d’études, dites « études contingentées », ne permettent d’admettre qu’un nombre limité d’étudiants non-résidents. Le bachelier en médecine vétérinaire est concerné par cette mesure, mais également les formations suivantes :

  • Bachelier en kinésithérapie et réadaptation (universités)
  • Bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation, orientation logopédie (universités)
  • Bachelier en logopédie (hautes écoles)
  • Bachelier en kinésithérapie (hautes écoles)
  • Bachelier en audiologie (hautes écoles)


A decree thus regulates the number of non-resident students who are allowed to enroll for the first time in this curriculum. The number of "non-resident"students therein is limited to 20% of the total number of students (resident and non-resident) who enrolled for the first time in this curriculum the previous year, i.e. 51 for 2024-2025. Non-resident students are selected by lot. Find out more.

As a student of non-EU nationality not assimilated to Belgian nationals, you must additionally comply with the following conditions:

  • Have obtained a high school diploma for a maximum of 3 years (i.e. by the end of the 2021-2022 academic year for admission in 2024-2025).
  • Have obtained an average of at least 13/20 or 65% in the high school diploma.

Important notes:

  • You can only submit a single application for one of the courses listed above AND at a single university in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation,
  • Incomplete applications will be automatically rejected.

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