Do you have a secondary school diploma from outside Belgium and would like to enroll in an undergraduate course (bachelier)? You'll find all the information you need on this page.
If you hold a non-Belgian high school diploma, you must submit a equivalence request for this diploma to the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles equivalence department before July 15.
If you are of a nationality outside the European Union, the commission's examination of your application is subject to a non-refundable administrative fee (200€).
If you are a refugee, this page is for you...
What are your admission requirements?
Are you a national of a member country of the European Union?
You would like to apply to study Veterinary Medicine or Medicine?
Consult the following pages:
Registering for another bachelor's program?
No admission requirements other than obtaining your diploma equivalence are required. Consult the registration procedure.
Are you a student from outside the European Union?
Can you be assimilated to Belgian nationals?
Are you a student from outside the European Union and not assimilated to Belgian nationals?
You must meet the conditions below:
For enrolment in a bachelor's degree in the EMCP Faculty (Economics Management Communication SciencesPO)
- Have obtained a high school diploma for a maximum of 3 years including the year of application (i.e. by the end of the 2022-2023 academic year at the latest for admission in 2025-2026). This condition does not apply to staggered-schedule courses.
- Have obtained an average of at least 14/20 in the secondary school leaving diploma.
- Prove that you have a sufficient command of the French language either with the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF - Level B2), the DALF (Level C1-C2) or the DELF (Level B2 minimum),
- For enrolment in economics and management with a staggered timetable, in addition to the above conditions, you must hold a higher education diploma and/or demonstrate at least 5 years of professional and/or personal experience (including a maximum of 2 years of higher education studies) that can give rise to the award of at least 60 credits from the bachelor's program by the admissions jury.
For enrolment in a bachelor's degree program in computer science, daytime or staggered timetable
- Have obtained a high school diploma for a maximum of 3 years including the year of application (i.e. by the end of the 2022-2023 academic year at the latest for admission in 2025-2026).
- Have obtained an average of at least 14/20 in the high school diploma.
- Prove that you have a sufficient command of the French language with either the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF - Level B2), the DALF (Level C1-C2) or the DELF (Level B2 minimum),
For enrolment in Medicine
- Special procedures must be followed. Consult the page.
For registration in Veterinary Medicine
- Special procedures must be followed. Consult the page.
For all other bachelor's degree courses
- Have obtained a high school diploma for a maximum of 3 years including the year of application (i.e. by the end of the 2022-2023 academic year at the latest for admission in 2025-2026). This condition does not apply to staggered-schedule courses,
- Have obtained an average of at least 13/20 in the high school diploma.
When and how do I register?
Enrollment begins each year in January of the previous academic year.
- If you require a study VISA, you must submit your full application by March 31 inclusive. If you do NOT require a study VISA, you must submit your full application by September 30 inclusive.

Administrative fees
The review of your file by the commission is subject to the payment of a fixed administrative fee of €200. This is a prerequisite for the review of your application.
Please note: only one application per person is legally permitted. If you apply for more than one registration at several higher education establishments in the French Community of Belgium, you run the risk of being refused for all your applications.