Equivalence is a procedure for recognizing studies carried out abroad as equivalent to those provided in educational establishments in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

Do you need information about high school and higher education diploma equivalencies?

Equivalence of a doctoral degree with thesis

Universities are competent to issue equivalences for postgraduate diplomas, particularly for doctoral degrees (with thesis).

Obtaining an equivalence for a doctorate completed abroad may be required for a variety of reasons:

  • Application for an F.R.S. - FNRS mandate,
  • Professional appointment,
  • Any other relevant reason.

What are the requirements?

  • The doctoral field must correspond to expertise developed at UNamur,
  • The link with Belgium or UNamur must be clearly established,
  • The application must be accompanied by a letter of motivation justifying the request.

Any application from a person working or applying for another Belgian university will be automatically rejected.

How to obtain this equivalence?

Applications for equivalence to the doctoral degree must be submitted to the UNamur Rector's secretariat. For the request to be admissible, the applicant must provide the following documents:

  • An authenticated copy of the doctor's degree with thesis, accompanied by a translation by a sworn translator. Diplomas written in English, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese are exempt from translation.
  • A copy of the 2nd cycle diploma, as well as a copy of any specialized or advanced diploma.
  • A paper copy of the doctoral thesis (which will be returned to the applicant at a later date).
  • An abstract in English or French if the thesis is not written in one of these languages.
  • A curriculum vitae including the applicant's full contact details, the name and position of the sponsor, the titles of the years of study followed (with any endorsements), the list of publications (including those related to the thesis), communications at international congresses, and any other elements relevant to the examination of the dossier.
  • If applicable, the name of a contact person at UNamur (mandatory for an application linked to a F.R.S.-FNRS mandate candidacy).
  • If available, the doctoral regulations of the university that issued the doctoral degree with thesis for which recognition of equivalence is requested, or any other document describing the conditions of access to doctoral studies as well as the accreditation or recognition by the competent foreign authorities of the institution that issued the degree, and the effects recognized to the degree by these authorities.

We invite you to send the dossier to the UNamur Rector's Secretariat:

UNamur - Secrétariat du recteur

61, rue de Bruxelles

5000 Namur


It's important to remember that the equivalence procedure can take several weeks. It is therefore advisable to start this process early enough to meet the deadlines set by the various bodies, such as the F.R.S.-FNRS.