Equivalence is a document that determines the level of studies that have been completed outside Belgium and allows access to a certain level of study in a higher education institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
Who should apply for equivalence?
Students who do not hold a diploma obtained in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation who wish to enroll in a 1st cycle course (bachelier). The Service des Equivalences de l'enseignement obligatoire de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles will examine requests for equivalence between a foreign secondary school-leaving diploma and the Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur (C.E.S.S.).
Attention, we inform you that a so-called "short type" equivalence does not give you access to the university. You will be automatically unregistered and redirected to a Haute École.
- Students who do not hold a diploma obtained in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation who wish to register for the agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (AESS). The Service des Equivalences de l'enseignement obligatoire de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles will examine requests for equivalence.
Only recognition of equivalence to a specific academic grade enables admission to the Agrégation to be requested. Generic equivalences (of level) are not sufficient and do not allow registration for the Agrégation (vocation of recognition for professional purposes).
Students in possession of a European and/or international diploma such as the European or international baccalaureate are not concerned by equivalence.
Only diplomas with the logos below can be recognized as such.
European Baccalaureate
A diploma issued by the European Baccalaureate Office, it is an educational program for international high schools in Europe. This diploma is recognized in many European countries and is designed to offer an enriched curriculum, with an emphasis on European languages and culture. Students who successfully complete it obtain a diploma that enables them to access higher education in various European countries, as well as in other regions of the world.

International Baccalaureate
This program aims to provide a comprehensive, holistic education. It focuses on students' intellectual, personal, emotional and social development, encouraging them to become active, reflective learners who are engaged in their communities. Students take external examinations and are awarded an International Baccalaureate diploma, which is internationally recognized and provides access to higher education at many universities around the world.

Doctorate equivalence
Universities are competent to issue equivalences for postgraduate diplomas, particularly for doctorate titles (with thesis).
When and where to apply for equivalence?
You must submit a request for equivalence of your diploma before July 15 (for the following academic year) to the Equivalence Service of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

How long does it take to obtain an equivalence?
The time required to obtain an equivalence may vary (the average is 4 months). Nevertheless, you have the possibility of registering by enclosing proof the application has been submitted to the Equivalence Service.
Please note that no application will be accepted without this proof (or equivalence).
As soon as you receive the equivalence, please forward it to inscriptions@unamur.be so that all your certificates are available.