Any Belgian or assimilated student enrolled in a higher education institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation is entitled to apply for study allowances from the Service d'allocations d'études (SAE) or to make use of the financial aid offered by the Cellule sociale des étudiants du VéCU.

Bursary in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation

How to proceed

1. Apply for a study grant before October 31

You can apply for a study grant without having received your final registration certificate from UNamur. The SAE will ask for it later to finalize your application. This attestation will be sent to your student mailbox after your administrative registration file has been put in order and the online "Declaration of honor" form has been validated (see below).

2. Complete and validate the 'declaration on honor'

By validating this form, you must declare that you have submitted an application for study grants. As soon as this form has been processed, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt in your student mailbox. While your application is being processed by the SAE, you do not need to pay any registration fees.

3. Send the copy of the SAE decision (PDF) to Enrolment Services

  • If you receive a positive decision, you will be awarded the scholarship. You do not have to pay the registration fees.
  • If you have already paid them, we invite you to fill in and send us the refund form.
  • If you receive a negative decision, the scholarship will not be awarded.
  • If the rejection notification reaches you before January 1, you have until February 1 to pay the full registration fee.
  • If the notification of refusal reaches you after January 1, you have 30 calendar days, from the date of the EAS notification, to pay the full registration fee.

To do so, you will receive a new invitation to pay your registration fee on your student mailbox. If you have already paid your registration fees in full, your administrative file is in order.

Financial and social assistance

If you wish to apply for financial aid and/or reduced tuition fees, we invite you to contact the Cellule sociale des étudiants. Learn more about financial and social aid...