Any student is invited to pay the registration fee by the date of the start of the academic year, i.e. September 14 in order to be included in the lists of learning activities on time.

How to pay?

You can pay your registration fee by:

  • Bank transfer,
  • Via a post office if and only if you do not have a bank account in Belgium.

Once your application has been accepted, you will receive an invitation to pay your registration fee in your UNamur student mailbox. The amount to be paid and UNamur's contact details will be mentioned on this invitation.

Thank you for using the structured communication communicated on the invitation to pay to facilitate the processing of your file. This structured communication is linked to your identity at UNamur.

An initial deposit of €50 must be paid by October 31 and the balance of your registration fees by February 1. Students who paid 200€ administrative fee when applying for admission and who are admitted are no longer subject to payment of the 50€ deposit. This 200€ amount is automatically deducted from the registration fee.

In the event of late payment

Any payment not made by the dates mentioned will involve:

  • on October 31, a non-confirmation of the registration request,
  • on February 1, the withdrawal of access to learning activities, the cancellation of the deliberation and the impossibility of acquiring credits for the current year.

However, you will be considered enrolled, in a situation of failure AND you will remain liable for your enrolment fees.

Refund in the event of cancellation by the student

A registration may be cancelled at your request (and notified via the notice of withdrawal form) before December 1.

If you wish to withdraw from your course on or after December 1, the full registration fee remains payable.

A cancellation as a free student or free auditor may entitle you to a partial refund if it occurs by November 30 of the academic year concerned at the latest for courses in the 1st quadrennium and, by March 31 of the academic year concerned at the latest for courses in the 2nd quadrennium. In this case, only the amount exceeding €50 will be reimbursed. Beyond these deadlines, no refunds will be made.

Special cases


The full registration fee must be paid for:

A first registration

  • For any registration validated before December 31 (confirmed by sending the acknowledgement of receipt and invitation to pay to the doctoral student), payment must be made by February 1.
  • For any registration validated from January 1, payment must be made by the end of the month following receipt of the invitation to pay.

Registrations in subsequent academic years

  • Before December 31.

Students and free auditors

Your full enrolment fee must be paid by:

  • November 30 for enrolments validated before October 31,
  • March 31 for enrolments validated between October 31 and February 28,

In the event of non-payment by the required deadline, enrolment in individual courses will be automatically cancelled.

Le livret du diplômé

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