If you are a non-European Union (HUE) national, you must prove that you have sufficient financial means to cover study and subsistence costs for the duration of your studies in order to obtain a long-term visa (or to extend your Belgian residence permit).

What documents should I provide?

You must bring one of the following documents:

  • A certificate of scholarship issued either by an international or national organization, or by UNamur,
  • A form of undertaking of assumption of responsibility completed by a guarantor (Appendix 32),
  • Proof of your own financial means by transferring a certain amount to a blocked bank account managed by UNamur in your name.

Amount to be paid

To benefit from this last possibility, you must transfer the amount required by Belgian law (set by royal decree and indexed each year) to the university's bank account, after signing a bank guarantee agreement. After your arrival, the university will transfer part of this amount monthly to a bank account you have opened in Belgium.

For the 2023-2024 academic year, this amount is 789€ net per month, indexed in 2024-2025 (amount not yet known at this time), to which you must add the file management fee (150€).

Please note that the minimum living expenses do not include registration fees. Your university registration fees will need to be added to this.

As an indication, for the 2023-2024 academic year, the bank guarantee commitment amounted to 9468€ (i.e. 12 x 789€).

For your information, the amounts mentioned are not sufficient to cover all your actual living expenses in Belgium.

The procedure

You can apply for a bank guarantee as soon as your application for admission to UNamur has been accepted.

  1. The application for a blocked account is made by email only.
  2. As soon as we receive your email, you will receive an agreement in reply, which you complete, sign and return.
  3. Then transfer the amount indicated on the agreement to a UNamur bank account, and send proof of payment
  4. On receipt of the transfer AND the completed and signed agreement, Enrolment Services will send you the bank guarantee certificate (solvency certificate) to your student mailbox.
  5. You complete this attestation of solvency with your bank details and return it
  6. Each month, you will receive your monthly payment from UNamur, in accordance with what is stated in the agreement.
  7. In the event of non-obtainment of the study visa leading to withdrawal from studies, officially declared via the withdrawal form, before December 1; a sum of 400€ is retained by UNamur as administrative costs. UNamur will reimburse the outstanding balance of the bank guarantee and the registration fees in advance (the sum of 200€, i.e. the administrative costs associated with the analysis of your registration file, is also retained)

Unique contact address: comptabilite.inscriptions@unamur.be