Victoria Moris

À propos


I am passionate about the molecular mechanisms behind the adaptation of species to stressful environments (starvation, desiccation, radiation). After studying starvation resistance of sacoglossan sea slugs for a year at the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig (Bonn, Germany), I studied during my PhD the genes involved in the biosynthetic pathway of cuticular hydrocarbons, used in insects both in communication and against desiccation (Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany). Since October 2019, I am working on the RISE project within the Environmental and Evolutionary Biology (URBE) research unit using the strong skills I developped in molecular biology and bioinformatics. More specifically, I am studying genes involved in the resistance of bdelloid rotifers against radiation, desiccation, and the stresses due to space environment.


Centre de recherche

Domaines d'expertise

Molecular Biology



Desiccation/extreme resistances

Chemical ecology

Genome editing 


Responsabilités externes

SBOEM165 Evolutionary genomics and transcriptomics


Ph.D. in Biology, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (2016-2020)

Master in Biological Sciences: biology of organisms and ecology, University of Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL) (2013-2015)


ISCE travel award for 35th annual meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, Atlanta, United-States of America (2019)

Best student talk price at the Conference of the Central European Section of the IUSSI (International Union for the Study of Social Insects), IST, Austria (2019)

Best student presentation award at the 34th annual meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, Budapest, Hungary (2018)

Travel grant for 19th International Congress of Unitas Malacologica, Penang, Malaysia (2016)

Travel grant for 17 Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, Munich, Germany (2016)

Cette personne a également un profil sur le portail de la recherche de l’UNamur.

Voir le profil complet