Acquis d'apprentissage

- Understand the role and the consequence of three forms of regulation (entry, economic, and social) for the State and for the behaviours and the strategy of the firms - Explain the main concepts of regulation, such as retail pricing, wholesale access, universal service - Understand the regulatory reforms of the European Union - Apply such concept to case studies in the network industries (telecommunications, energy, transport) - Apply micro-economic concepts into a legal framework


- Understand the role and the consequence of three forms of regulation (entry, economic, and social) for the State and for the behaviours and the strategy of the firms - Explain the main concepts of regulation, such as retail pricing, wholesale access, universal service - Understand the regulatory reforms of the European Union - Apply such concept to case studies in the network industries (telecommunications, energy, transport) - Apply micro-economic concepts into a legal framework

Table des matières

1. Notion of regulation 2. Market failures 3. Old regulatory paradigm 4. Regulatory failures 5. New regulatory paradigm 6. Application in network industries (telecommunications, energy, transport) 7. Conclusion


Students presentation

Méthodes d'enseignement

During the first part of the course, teacher presentation on the basis of slides and compulsory readings. During the second part of the course, students present a case study.

Méthode d'évaluation

The evaluation of the course will be done in the following way: - A written exam on the topics studied during the teacher's presentation and the compulsory readings: 50% of the final mark - Assessment of the papers and presentations of case studies by the students: 50% of the final mark

Sources, références et supports éventuels

Baldwin R., M. Cave, M. Lodge (2012), Understanding Regulation : Theory, Strategy a,nd Practice, 2nd ed, Oxford University Press

Viscusi W.K., Vernon J.M., Harrington J.E. (2005), Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, 4th Ed, MIT Press.

Langue d'instruction
