Rendez-vous annuel de la culture scientifique et technologique, le Printemps des Sciences fédère les différents acteurs de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche mais aussi du monde associatif et culturel.
Seminar: Gathering the views of small children and informing them to engage their participation. Cross-disciplinary and cross-border perspectives
Gathering the views of children is at the heart of the Interreg Grande Région CAPACITI project. The United Nations reminds us that children's participation in the defense of their rights relies on the training of the adults who accompany them.
After a first visit 10 years ago, the Belgian Entrepreneurship Research Day (BERD) is back in Namur for its 15th edition which will be held on Friday, May 16, 2025.
The institut DeFiPP is organizing a doctoral training course on academic writing, open to doctoral students and other researchers from all institutes and research centers of the University of Namur or another institution.
L'institut DeFiPP organise une formation doctorale sur l'écriture académique, ouverte aux doctorants et autres chercheurs de tous les instituts et centre de recherche de l'Université de Namur ou d'une autre institution.