À propos


Please, see my web pages for up-to-date info on my profile. thanks!



Domaines d'expertise

Spatio-temporal modelling
Agent-Based Modelling (ABM)
Urban Land Use - Residential land function
Land Use Change
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Cities

Responsabilités externes

Maître Assistant en Géographie, Haute Ecole de la Province de NamurReviewer for "Environmental Modelling & Software"
Reviewer for "Computer, Environment & Urban Systems"


2007-2010 PhD in the College of Science and Engineering, The University of Edinburgh (UK)
2006-2007 AESS in Geography, ULg (Belgium)
2003-2004 DEA in Geography, UCL (Belgium)
2001-2003 Licence in Geography, UCL (Belgium)
1999-2001 Candidature in Geography, FUNDP, Namur (Belgium)

Cette personne a également un profil sur le portail de la recherche de l’UNamur.

Voir le profil complet