À propos


I am a FNRS Research associate (“chercheur qualifié”) at the Namur Digital Institute (NADI) and the Faculty of Computer Science. After I received my PhD jointly from the Universities of Luxembourg and Namur in 2007, I held several postdoctoral positions at the universities of Rennes, Luxembourg and Namur. My research interests involve quality assurance of variability-intensive, intelligent, complex systems and software testing techniques to achieve more ethical and sustainable machine learning. 

More information on my personal website.



Instituts de recherche

Namur Digital Institute - Membre - Membre

Centre de recherche


Domaines d'expertises

  • Software Testing 
  • Software Variability Management
  • Intelligent systems Fairness and Sustainability 


Cette personne a également un profil sur le portail de la recherche de l’UNamur.

Voir le profil complet