Lou D'Haese
À propos
I have a Master in Chemistry and I am currently working as a FRIA PhD Fellow (PhD Student) in the Namur Institute of Structured Matter (NISM), at the University of Namur (UNamur), Belgium. I am under the supervision of Vincent Liégeois, more specifically in the Laboratory of Theoretical Chemistry (LCT), laboratory of Benoît Champagne.
My work is focused on the simulation of Raman optical activity (ROA) signatures for flexible systems. My systems of interest are the cryptophane derivatives which are polyaromatic chiral cage molecules.
Instituts de recherche
Centre de recherche
Domaines d'expertises
Raman & Raman optical activity spectroscopies
Theoretical Chemistry
Gaussian User
Responsabilités externes
Administrator for the LCT UNamur on LinkedIn (January 2024 - now)
Master in Chemistry, focus on Research
Best Flash Talk at the SRC Young Chemists' Day 2024