Patricia Nisol

À propos


Patricia Nisol is lecturer and doctoral student (FSR fund) in marketing in the department of business administration of the Faculty of economics, social sciences and business administration of the University of Namur (FUNDP). She is member of the Centre for Research on Consumption and Leisure (CeRCLe). Her doctoral research deals with product category management in the field of grocery retailing and is supervised by Professors P. Zidda (University of Namur) and E. Gijsbrechts (Tilburg University). She studied applied economics at the Catholic University of Mons (FUCaM). After graduating, she worked for 5 years at ACNIELSEN Belgium. She then started her research carrier in Alain Bultez' research group (Center for Research on the Economic Efficiency of Retailing, CREER-FUCaM). After completing various research projects with Prof. K. Campo (KULeuven) and E. Gijsbrechts (Tilburg University), she moved to the University of Namur (FUNDP) in 2004 to complete her doctoral dissertation.



Domaines d'expertise

Retailing, Modelling, Thesis proposal: The Category and its Managerial Benefits for Retailers.


Master (licence) in applied economics (major in marketing), Catholic University of Mons (FUCaM), 1986

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