Tivadar Vervoort
À propos
I am interested in continental political philosophy, with a strong focus on Frankfurt School critical theory (Adorno, Honneth, Jaeggi) and its predecessors (Marx, Nietzsche, Lukács), the works of Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, research on neoliberal governmentality and theories of everyday resistance.
Currently, I am in the process of developing a postdoctoral project on everyday forms of resistance. I am also an affiliated member of Research in Political Philosophy and Ethics Leuven (RIPPLE) of KU Leuven. In the Spring semester of 2024, I was a lecturer at the University of Amsterdam. April 2024, I defended my dissertation titled 'Reification and Resistance: Lukács, Foucault and the Critique of Forms of Life'. The project was funded by a PhD-Fellowship of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). In 2022, I was a guest researcher at the Rahel Jaeggi's research group at the Humboldt Universität in Berlin.
I studied philosophy in Amsterdam and Berlin before completing his Research Master’s in Leuven. My BA thesis compared Georg Lukács’ concept of Verdinglichung with the early Marx’ notion of alienation; my rMA thesis brought together the critical impetus of Foucault’s and Adorno’s anti-universalism.
I am an editor of the open access journal Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, and The Dutch Review of Books (de Nederlandse Boekengids).
For a complete list of publications and events, see tivadarvervoort.net