Jonathan Marescaux

À propos


I studied biology (2005-2010) at the University of Namur (UNamur) and specialized in biodiversity. During my Master thesis, I contributed to the phylogeographical study of the invasive basket clams Corbicula. This work investigated the morphology, the phylogeny and the reproduction of these Asiatic clams in French rivers. I graduated in 2010 and was awarded the prize "Jacques Kets" in 2010 and the prize "Adrien Bauchau" in 2012 for my excellent Master thesis on Corbicula. In October 2010, I obtained a PhD grant from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) to start four years of research in the LEGE laboratory (UNamur) on the invasion of Western Europe by the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis).

My thesis activities included the following main topics: 1) to update the distribution of the quagga mussel in Belgium; 2) to elucidate the invasion pathways of the species in Western Europe; and 3) to assess the impacts of Dreissena mussels by determining filtration rate, life cycle and ecological links between Dreissena mussels and other macro-invertebrates. I obtained my PhD in December 2014. After my PhD thesis, I worked as researcher/consultant at UNamur on a project funded by Firestone Building Products (Company) aiming to describe freshwater ecosystems in Belgium and New Zealand. 

In November 2015, I obtained a First Spin-Off grant from the Walloon Region.


Domaines d'expertises

- Ecologie et biodiversité des eaux douces

- Invasions biologiques

- Ecologie moléculaire


Baccalauréat en Biologie (2008)

Master en Biologie des Organismes et Écologie (2010)

Doctorat en Sciences Biologiques (2014)

Certificat Universitaire en Sciences des Animaux de Laboratoire: biotechnicien

Certificat Universitaire en Sciences des Animaux de Laboratoire: Maitre d'expérience


- Prix de Biologie "Jacques Kets" (2010) récompensant le meilleur mémoire de fin d'étude en rapport avec la protection de la nature

- Lauréat du Prix "Adrien Bauchau" (2011-2012)

Cette personne a également un profil sur le portail de la recherche de l’UNamur.

Voir le profil complet