Thematic sessions

The day will be organized in two thematic sessions:

  • Cancer metabolism
  • New advances in cancer therapy

Invited speakers

  • Prof. Rebecca FITZGERALD, Early Cancer Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Dr. Sébastien DUTERTRE, IBMM, University of Montpellier, France
  • Prof. Sarah-Maria FENDT, Laboratory of Cellular Metabolism and Metabolic Regulation, VIB-KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Dr. Arnaud BLOMME, Laboratory of Metabolic Regulation, GIGA Institute, University of Liège, Belgium 

Call for communications

Young researchers are invited to submit abstracts for oral communications and posters. All topics related to the field of cancer research are welcome. The deadline for abstract submission is April 1, 2025. 

Organizing committee

Prof. Jean-Pierre Gillet - UNamur, NARILIS, Laboratory of Molecular Cancer Biology

Prof. Marc Hennequart - UNamur, NARILIS, Laboratory of Cancer metabolism

Prof. Marielle Boonen - UNamur, NARILIS, Laboratory of Intracellular Trafficking Biology

Prof. Benjamin Beck - ULB, IRIBHM

Prof. Lionel D'Hondt - CHU UCL Namur, Department of Oncology