Genomic part (Prof. Dennis, UNamur):
We will discuss: Why we assemble new genomes, why this is valuable across different fields of research, principles of sequencing, assembly, and functional annotation. We will discuss different down-stream analyses with genomes and examples from the current literature.
In the practicals, we will sequence and assemble a small genome to get hands-on experience in all parts of this process.
Transcriptomic part (Prof. Melissa Page, UCLouvain) :
History : Transcriptomics as one tool in the toolkit box- Why is transcriptomics such a huge success in Evolution and Ecology?
Methodology : Experimental procedure - Differences between genomics and transcriptomics - Technological limitations and perspectives of transcriptomics; Another tool in the toolkit box : Quantitative Trait Loci ;
Case studies using transcriptomics in Evolutionary Ecology with a focus on studies done with data obtained from the wild : Transcriptomics for understanding the Anthropocene, Stickleback fishes Gasterosteus aculeatus case study, Transcriptomics in butterflies, General conceptual conclusions from these case studies; Conclusions at the methodological level.
Practicals : analyse d'un transcriptome non publié et identification de gènes candidats impliqués dans la production d'un trait physiologique sous sélection sexuelle, la phéromone sexuelle d'un papillon modèle.