François Meurice
À propos
Dr François Meurice spent the early years of his medical career practicing medicine in African countries (Burkina Faso, Chad, Sudan, DRC) and upon his return, he joined the GSK vaccines headquarter in Belgium in 1991. In this work context, he specialized in areas of vaccine clinical development and medical access, in training and education.
He teaches vaccinology as an invited professor at the University of Namur, Belgium (Faculté de Médecine, Master en Sciences Biomédicales).
He also teaches a professional module on vaccinology for medical and paramedical professionals (Certificat Inter-Universités en Vaccinologie : ULB, UCLouvain, ULiège)
Instituts de recherche
Domaines d'expertises
Up until 2021, Dr Meurice was a Scientific Affairs & Public Health Director at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Vaccines, representing the Company towards external experts and bodies, such as the SAGE advisors to WHO. His 30 year-experience in GSK Vaccines encompasses Clinical Development including interactions with scientific Experts, Investigators and Regulatory Authorities. He has also experience in Project Management, in Medical Affairs at Global and Regional levels, in Medical Education and in Grants Governance.
As part of his development, he spent 3 years in North America where he led the clinical development of a vaccine against Lyme disease. He has published many scientific papers (on vaccines against hepatitis B, Lyme disease, rotavirus, acellular pertussis, measles-mumps-rubella, varicella, HPV and on dTPa boosters) in peer reviewed journals; most recently he has become involved in general vaccination issues, including about reinforcing the confidence in vaccination.
Responsabilités externes
Dr Meurice works as an independent consultant in vaccinology.
He is Vice-President of the Non Governmental Organization (NGO) "Louvain-Coopération", Past-President of the Rotary Club "Namur-Confluent", administrator of the "Cercle Royal Namurois des Amis d'Afrique" and a member of several other associations (MusAfrica, Médecins Sans Frontières,...)
François Meurice is a Medical Doctor by training (at UNamur/UCLouvain) and has specialized in Tropical medicine (IMT Anvers) and in Public Health (UCLouvain).
Vaccinology, Immunotherapy [MSBMM205]
Vaccinology, Immunotherapy [MSBMM205]
Vaccinology, Immunotherapy [MSBMM205]
Vaccinology, Immunotherapy [MSBMM205]