À propos


Philippe Thiran is a part-time professor of computer science at the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Namur (Belgium). His primary appointment is at Sirris, the collective center of the Belgian technology industry. At Sirris, Philippe is Regional Director Brussels and the head of the Software Engineering department and the Sirris interdisciplinary programme "Product of the Future".

Philippe's studies have combined three subjects: computing science, management and geography, and he is proud of his dual experience in the academic world and ICT industry. He has developed an in-depth and versatile vision of software engineering and digital innovation. His research interests cover software-intensive distributed systems and, particular, multi-agent systems and decentralized systems.

Philippe has collaborated on several European and Belgian research and development projects and worked with several international standards organisations (W3C, IEEE and OASIS). He has co-authored more than 80 scientific articles and co-organised more than 10 international conferences.

Philippe studied geography at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) and at the University of Haute-Bretagne (Rennes, France), computing at the University of Namur and management at Solvay Business School of ULB. Philippe obtained his doctorate in sciences with a thesis on the interoperability of autonomous databases. He was invited to be a professor at the University of Lyon (France) and at HEC of the University of Liège. He has also been invited to be a research scientist in several universities (e.g. Concordia University, University of Oxford, Georgia University, EPFL). From 2003 to 2005, Philippe was professor (Universitair Docent) in the department of Mathematics and Computing of the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands). Since 2005, he has been permanent professor at the University of Namur.

His main publications can be found at the DBLP server.

Centre de recherche

Domaines d'expertise

  • Multi-agent systems
  • Service-oriented and Cloud Computing


Responsabilités externes

  • Regional Director of Sirris Brussels
  • Head of Software Engineering Dpt, Sirris Brussels
  • Head of Product of the Future, Sirris Brussels
  • Member of the advisory board, W3C


  • BSc and MSc in Geography, UCL, 1995
  • MSc in Computer Science, UNamur, 1997
  • PhD in Science (Computer Science), UNamur, 2003
  • Certificate in Academic Practice (Teaching Skills Induction Programme), TU/Eindhoven, 2004
  • Executive Master in Management, Solvay Brussels School, ULB, 2018



Cette personne a également un profil sur le portail de la recherche de l’UNamur.

Voir le profil complet