Dirk Delabastita
À propos
Instituts de recherche
Centre de recherche
Domaines d'expertises
littérature anglaise, théorie de la littérature, traductologie
Docteur (avec thèse)
English literary history I (600-1660) [LANGB003]
English literary history II (1660-present) [LANGB004]
English literary history II (1660-present) [LANGB004_P31237]
Language and society [LANGB304]
Literary text analysis: literary multilingualism and translation [LANGB307]
Literary text analysis: narrative fiction [LANGB104]
Literary theory [LANGB005]
English literary history I (600-1660) [LANGB003]
English literary history II (1660-present) [LANGB004_P28729]
English literary history II (1660-present) [LANGB004]
Language and society [LANGB304]
Literary text analysis: literary multilingualism and translation [LANGB307]
Literary text analysis: narrative fiction [LANGB104]
Literary theory [LANGB005]